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Updated 30/12/2015




INFO 23/10/2011

10 and 11 September 2011: 10e Tournoi International Mélusin

In spite of the wind and the rain, the 10th INTERNATIONAL TOURNAMENT MELUSIN allowed each one to display their talents and we noted some excellent performances.

10 countries were represented by the competitors and the officials. We regretted the last minute withdrawal of our Chinese friends, not having been able to obtain exit visas and the absence of certain early registered candidates, victims of broken models.

Extremely fortunately and happily for all, an inportant Japanese delegation made the trip and added a new dimension to the acrobatics competition. Our thanks thus go to all the participants of this tenth edition of our TOURNAMENT, competitors, official and catering personnel and more especially with Kaz, Oki, Yuhi, Syozo and Kenji.

In spite of the weather which was impossible for us to control, the participants warmly thanked us for all the efforts made by the members of the CMR for the high standard of organisation.

It remains for the CMR to start preparing for the 11th edition!



Kaz    Bruno


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